Sunday, October 25, 2015

Photo-of-the-Week #234 – A Beautiful Pacific Sunset Every Evening, Manhattan Beach, California, January 2015

This week it's a simple photo. These homes and apartments are overlooking the beach and the Pacific Ocean at Manhattan Beach, California. It's January, so the sun sets around 5:30 PM. It's about 4:00 PM when I took this photo. I've seen Pacific sunsets and I can guarantee, they are breathtaking. But, then again, so are all the other ones I've seen.

I can only imagine what it costs to live in these homes on the beach, but I'm sure everyone who lives here believes whatever it costs is worth it. My friend, Dan has a fantastic view of the Pacific from his home perched high above the Pacific near Santa Barbara, California. I saw a sunset at his home and it was glorious. But, even back east, the sunsets are glorious. My friend Barbara lives on the top floor of an eight story condo on the beach in Sarasota, Florida overlooking one of the most beautiful beaches in the world and the Gulf of Mexico. Her view is nothing short of awesomely amazing.

We are blessed to live on this beautiful planet with all that nature and God laid out before us. Some people are able to afford to live in places like these. But, that doesn't mean we all can't enjoy these scenic and glorious sunsets, sunrises and all of nature's other bounties. Don't let life slip by and not do everything to you can to explore these wonders of God and nature. That's one regret I won't have and I hope you won't either.

Live free and be happy. EH

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